August 17, 2011

Sleep, why do you foresake me?

Posted in Humor tagged , , , , , , , at 10:31 am by everyotherdayme

Remember those days when you used to just fall asleep without a problem? Your head would nod and off to lala land you go. In a few hours I will have to join the work force a complete wreck because I have no Nod effect. I am not the queen of the land of Insomniacs but I am a respected consul member. My ability to fight sleep can challenge any stubborn baby or caffeine fiend. I play on the computer,  harass anyone on the phone who will talk to me, or watch old reruns of Star Trek. (Really it’s that bad if I’m watching Star Trek.)

Ooh look at that the Sun is coming up. I need sleep. Like a vampire, as soon as the sun breaks Im surely sleepy. Or maybe it is the realization I only have a couple hours to to rest before I drag my myself into the work force. Hmm, don’t know but it does manage to add a nice touch of bitterness to my Good Mornings.

August 9, 2011

Hello world!

Posted in Self improvement at 3:08 am by everyotherdayme

I’ve decided to become a Blogger. Yay me! In my blog I will be writing about anything that interest me and hopefully you. I feel like my opinion is valuable because I have been working on it for a very long time. So just call me a Pro, ok.

I call this every other day me because that’s what you’ll experience. Typically I don’t know what I will be willing to say or show you on any given day. It could range from anything to everything about me, who I am, what I experience, or what I want to talk about. Oh great another narcissist. Yes I know but I promise to keep you interested. Maybe that’s just the narcissistic side of me speaking. Hmm, any-who. I will also talk about anything you want and the regular water cooler topics. I give great advice as well so try me out. Subscribe so you don’t miss a thing.

Since this is my introduction I’ll continue with the about me topic.

Those boxes always annoy me. I feel like I’m speed dating.  I have a short space to make you like me before that bell (in your head)  goes off and you either  give me you or move on. Who needs that kind of stress from  social networking? So we fill the about me box in with all the good opinions we have of ourselves, unconsciously leaving out all the bad habits we undeniably possess.

First and foremost, I hate when people say “Be yourself.” Who successfully knows how to be their one and only true  self 24/7?

You right there, sit down you’re lying. OK, let’s say you aren’t, but are you being yourself effectively? For instance, can you be yourself without pissing someone off? Are you the ultimate people pleaser, naturally? If yes, bag that shit and sell it. If I were to be myself all the time I wouldn’t have a job or freedom. I accept this fact and keep my mouth shut and hands to myself most of the time.

On a daily basis you must bend and pull who you are into fitting standards of your surroundings. I believe this process warps you into a being that overtime loses focus of all they really are, especially when this process of adaptation is implemented over long periods of time. I work twelve hours days, so half of my day I’m bending and squishing myself into shapes formulated for professional normality. I can’t laugh when someone takes a spill nor can I give hugs as a standard greeting. So I can’t be myself.

We’re all like heated rubber we don’t quite snap back so easily. The best way to deal with this syndrome is to just go with whatever feeling you must. Some days you may need to be an altered version of you and every other day you can be good ole’ (place name here.)

I hope it was your name you placed there because if not that’s a whole other subject I’ll have to address later.